Online Donations
The Lewis & Clark Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit organization.
Tax ID#81-0419768
Give a gift of any amount to support the Lewis & Clark Library System, which includes the Helena main library and branch libraries in Augusta, East Helena, Lincoln, the Bookmobile, and the Words on Wheels (WoW!) Bookbike.
The form below gives you several options:
Monthly or quarterly recurring payments can be set up.
Memorial and honorary tribute gifts can be made and a notification of your gift sent to the honoree or family member.
While almost all gifts we receive are unrestricted and used where the need is greatest, we are currently raising funds to help the Library replace its aging Bookmobile. If you want to support the 2024-2025 NEW BOOKMOBILE CAMPAIGN, please check that option on the form below. Visit our Library Giving Day page for details.
To pay with any debit or credit card or through PayPal, please use the form below. If you opt to cover the credit card transaction fee, your gift will go even further.
To pay through a checking or savings account bank withdrawal, please click HERE.
A letter of acknowledgement will be mailed to you within a week or two.
If you would rather send us a check, please download our donation form.
Thank you very much for your support!