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Planned Giving

Planned Giving Keeps on Giving

​To make a planned gift, first consult with your attorney, financial adviser, estate planning professional, accountant or other appropriate professional before making any material decisions based on information we provide through our web site, social media, printed materials, or other sources.


The Library Foundation Board, its employees or representatives, do not offer legal or financial advice, but are available to discuss the programs and activities of the Lewis & Clark Library and how your gift will make a lasting difference.





A bequest is typically made through a will with the gift distributed upon the donor’s death. The bequest may be a specific item, dollar amount, or a percentage or portion of the donor’s estate.



Like a bequest pursuant to a will, a trust designation may designate a specific item, specific dollar amount, or a percentage or portion of a trust.



These may be qualified retirement plans (like an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), SEP-IRA) or payable-on-death accounts.


Planned Gifts​

A planned gift may qualify for an additional Montana income tax credit in addition to the federal income tax deduction.


Examples of planned gifts are:


This is a contract with the donor in which the Foundation promises to pay a fixed amount to one or two beneficiaries in exchange for an irrevocable gift today.



A donor may name the Foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or the donor may transfer the entire ownership of his/her life insurance policy to the Foundation.



A donor may make an irrevocable gift while retaining an interest for one or more lifetimes or for a fixed term of years (on some gifts). This type of gift allows the donor to increase income, save taxes, and make a charitable gift.



A donor may donate his/her home, vacation home, farm, etc., to an organization while retaining the right to live in it and use it for the remainder of one or more lifetimes, a fixed term of years, or a combination of the two


The Lewis & Clark Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.  Tax ID#81-0419768

Visit the Foundation's Guidestar Profile to learn more about our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Lewis & Clark Library Foundation

120 S. Last Chance Gulch

Helena, MT 59601


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